About Clean Air Action

A political nonprofit with a mission to clean up dirty and restore faith in public service.

Environmental Action and Advocacy for the Future


In 2020, Clean Air Action was launched as a sister organization to the Clean Air Council.  As a 501(c)(4) organization, Clean Air Action is legally permitted to engage in a broad range of activities including electoral work and lobbying beyond 501(c)(3) limits. As a political non profit, we advocate for authentic candidates and reasonable policies that advance a more sustainable future.

Cleaning Up Dirty

We talk politics with non toxic people. When we say we Clean Up Dirty, that applies to anyone who messes with our political and civil rights, including corporations and politicians. We fight dirty with clean.


What We Do

We push back on anyone who messes with our political and civil rights, including corporations and politicians by focusing on these key issues:


Supporting a Clean Energy Transition


Fossil fuel-derived energy is unreliable and unsustainable, damaging our health and our natural resources. It’s time to transition away from dirty energy.


Advancing the Green Economy


Clean energy jobs preserve our climate, health, and economy. It’s time to put Pennsylvanians to work bringing a more sustainable future to the Commonwealth.


Supporting Federal Policies


Federal policy will drive America’s response to climate change. It’s time for Pennsylvania to capitalize on the opportunities that exist at the national level.


Protecting Democracy


Protecting our environment means protecting our democracy. It’s time to foster a healthy democracy as well as a healthy planet.