2023 Philadelphia Mayoral Primary Candidate Questionnaire Responses on Mobility Issues

Philadelphia has an opportunity to elect a new mayor in 2023 who will enact policy and oversee infrastructure projects that have a real impact on walking and rolling in the city. Right now, hundreds of miles of sidewalks are in poor condition, and pedestrians across Philadelphia are forced to risk injury because of closed sidewalks and road design that prioritizes cars over people.

Clean Air Councils volunteer pedestrian advocacy group Feet First Philly has fought to make Philadelphia safer for pedestrians through advocacy, events, and information for over 10 years. 

Earlier this year, Feet First Philly sent a questionnaire to all the 2023 Philadelphia Mayoral Primary candidates to find out more about their platforms on mobility issues including parking, ADA accessibility, safe routes to school, and Vision Zero. Six candidates responded with details on how they plan to address mobility issues for pedestrians.

Read the candidates' responses here, and learn more about what the candidates will do to make Philadelphia safer for pedestrians.

Below, Clean Air Action Fund graded the responses to Feet First Philly's questionnaire.

*Jeff Brown did not complete a FFP questionnaire, but were were able to track down and evaluate responses to 3 similar questions on other questionnaires

Red is bad, yellow is OK, and green is good.


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