'Still Here' project looks to give East Palestine residents a new voice, continue the call to action

While one year has passed since the disaster in East Palestine, there are still stories that haven't been told and calls to action still unanswered. A newly launched website is showcasing both, with the hopes of dispensing true environmental justice.

Published: Friday, February 2nd 2024, 7:42 PM EST

Updated: Friday, February 2nd 2024, 7:52 PM EST

By Chris Cerenelli

For some, the cliche' "time heals all wounds" is just that.

"The community is still devastated by what occurred," says Liz Schultz, a civil rights attorney, talking about what the 4,700 people of East Palestine have been through over the last year. They will undoubtedly be nursing wounds long beyond this infamous anniversary.

But a collaboration between the Clean Air Action Fund and RiverWise Storytelling is giving them a new voice.

"It tells a story of tragedy but also of resilience," said Schultz.

It's called the "Still Here Project".

Schultz, who also serves as political director of the Clean Air Action Fund, told 21 News the project demonstrates the dangers of petrochemicals - in this case vinyl chloride - and contains four calls to action.

"The first is that (President) Biden make a major disaster declaration, which has not happened. The second is that Medicare for life be provided to all the residents with ongoing health issues as a result of this disaster. The third is that the EPA ban vinyl chloride, and the fourth is that Congress pass the Rail Safety Bill."

Schultz says the project calls out corporate abuse and negligence.
It also sheds light on failures at the local, state and national level.
But perhaps most importantly, it reminds the world of the wounds the people of East Palestine suffered that time may never heal.

"These residents need help and they want to know that this is never going to happen again," she says.

You can watch and learn more about the project by CLICKING HERE.

Link to original story.


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