Working Together to Amp Up Business Investment and Renewables Growth in PA
Executive Director of Critical Investments & Chair of PENNVEST Brian Regli tells us about his switch from Republican to Democrat, why socialism is not the answer, and what government does well. We discuss the importance of stepping away from echo chambers like the national media so we can hold nuance, prioritize practical over performative, and work with the other side on common local action.
Brian also tells us how Governor Shapiro is bringing hundreds of millions in federal clean energy investments into Pennsylvania via President Biden's IRA & IIJA climate and business legislation—which fuels state and local progress, and #CleaningUpDirty cohost Sean helped pass! We also discuss how Pennsylvania taxpayers shoulder burdens from polluting corporations that even Texans don’t, and how the proposed PRESS & PACER legislation will help lower utility bills and protect public health.
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