Ask Your State Representatives to Oppose Judicial Gerrymandering
Currently, judicial gerrymandering is impossible in Pennsylvania because all appellate judges are elected statewide. HB 38 would amend Pennsylvania’s Constitution so that all appellate judges would be elected in districts drawn by the state legislature every 10 years. Currently, no other state in the country has adopted the framework for judicial elections proposed in HB 38.
Pennsylvania’s appellate courts are crucial to protecting the environment, and HB-38 would seriously threaten their independence. HB 38 would undermine the separation of powers, politicize the judiciary, disenfranchise Pennsylvania voters, and encourage dark money in judicial races. For more information on why we oppose HB 38, see our blog post analyzing the bill.
While HB-38 could realistically pass, it faces bipartisan opposition, which means your voice can make a big difference. Please ask your legislator to strongly oppose HB-38.