Demand Gov. Shapiro Fight to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Earlier this week the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court ruled against the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), thereby preventing the Department of Environmental Protection from enforcing existing regulations that would drive down greenhouse gas emissions while also generating millions of dollars that would be used to promote green energy and help low income residents make their homes more energy efficient. 

Currently, there are 10 states participating in RGGI - Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont. All have seen substantial reductions of carbon emissions from the power sector.

For nearly 20 years, Governor Shapiro has been a champion for clean air, climate action and a prosperous Pennsylvania. He should appeal this misguided decision at once and make the case before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court for a program that’s already proven itself across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic.

RGGI will save hundreds of Pennsylvanian lives from the harmful health impacts of air pollution and limit the devastating climate impacts of fossil fuel emissions to property and the environment. By not participating, we have already missed out on massive health and climate benefits.

Please click send a message to Governor Shapiro. Urge him to appeal the Commonwealth Court’s decision.


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